Body Contouring With Cryo Sculpting

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What Is Cryo Sculpting?

Cryolipolysis, or Cryo Sculpting, uses cold temperature to break down targeted areas of fat cells.

Cryo Sculpting is derived from Cryotherapy, a therapy that has been around since the 70’s. It began by targeting areas of inflammation on the body and exposing those areas to extremely cold temperatures for short periods of time. In this controlled setting, the healing process could be jump started without causing damage to the skin. During this process, however, it was documented that isolated fat degradation also occurred. And from there Cryo Sculting was born.

While there is no magic way to lose large amounts of weight without proper diet and exercise, Cryo Sculpting can help you shed those last few areas of fat. It is great for tackling stubborn problem areas that just need to be toned and sculpted.

Watch it Work...

So how does it work? Targeted areas of fat are exposed to extremely cold temperatures for 90 second intervals in order to send the tissue into thermal shock. This is done by using a wand-like tool that is equipped with ice cold gas. This gas is sprayed onto targeted areas for no longer than 90 seconds. This helps to prevent stress to your body or necrosis on the skin. The short intervals of cold exposure over several sessions causes the fat cells under the tissue to die off and pass through your lymphatic system. The end result is fat reduction and tighter skin!


Like we mentioned, Cryo Sculpting is not going to help you lose large amounts of weight, but what it will do is sculpt your body. These are some of the most popular reasons to pursue Cryo Sculpting:

Targeted fat loss
Reduced appearance of cellulite
Requires no recovery
Lasting results

Don’t let sagging skin or unwanted weight hold you back from feeling your best. Let us help you achieve your physique goals with Cryo Sculpting. Give us a call to learn about our package deals!

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